Saturday, July 20, 2013

The Cost of Being Single

I've said this a number of times.  Being single is expensive!  I'm pretty sure everyone who is single says this. You can even take this to a platonic level and say living alone, without roommates, is pricy.  I live alone currently and I have had roommates.  Last week a friend of mine told me his roommate is moving out.  This leaves him in a conundrum.  He could find another random roommate or he can move into a one-bedroom apartment.  That one bedroom apartment will cost him $300 more than what he's paying now by splitting the rent.

To be able to find someone to share your life, in this case financial responsibility, is something that weighs on the minds of many.  Sure, having a "boo-thang" kills two birds with one stone. However, in order to live the life you've imagined, you have to make some choices.  Find a relationship worth having, finding a roommate who is responsible, or dealing with the expenses alone.

The HUFFPOST Live video below is a great discussion about being single and money.  It's nice to hear other opinions about finances with regard to relationships and the single life.  There are plenty of benefits to being in a relationship or having a roommate to share expenses.  There's even more benefit to being legally married. Sadly, if you're in a same-sex relationship you only have a few states where you can benefit from this. 

If you're single, what are your concerns?  What are the tough choices that you may need to make or have made because you're single and living alone? 

Educate. Empower. Economize. 

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