Exerpted from Oneness with All Life by Eckhart Tolle. Published by arrangement with Dutton, a member of Penguin Group (USA), Inc. Copywright © 2008 by Eckhart Tolle
The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation but your thoughts about it. Be aware of the thoughts you are thinking. Separate them from the situation, which is always neutral, which always is as it is. There is the situation or the fact, and here are my thoughts about it. Instead of making up stories, stay with the facts. For example, "I am ruined" is a story. It limits you and prevents you from taking effective action. "I have 50 cents left in my bank account" is a fact. Facing facts is always empowering.
At first look, I was like, "Okay.. yeah, I get that. My happiness is dependent on how I look at the situation." Then I read the example about money. BINGO! This is what this blog is all about! Recognizing the story you tell yourself about your finances and how you manage them. Living in your truth. My situation is that I can't afford to do or buy anything. I don't really need to do or buy any of those things I wanted to buy because they aren't necessities. The fact is, I'm going to be out of debt in 3 years or less. And that's worth more and will feel much better than having a Smart TV or an iPad.
Over the last few days I have gotten messages and emails from people saying how brave I am for putting all of my business out there. Or how empowering it is. I appreciate it - but how empowering is it to you that I am doing this? Have you faced the facts about your financial struggles? Have you owned it and claimed it as your own to others?
I've tried to fix my finances on my own (quietly) and tell others everything was fine when it was really stressing me out. Time and time again I would fall right back into the same patterns. Paying credit cards off only to run them right back up so I can do things that my friends were doing. Once I took the leap and just lived in the truth that I wasn't doing well financially - then I was able to face it with much more confidence and with the support of my family and friends.
Don't get me wrong! It took me going on television to be pushed into that mirror and truly see myself.
Just a short reflection on something I read.
Educate. Empower. Economize.
UMM... i wanna see you on tv! - sheri